norman bates is one of those characters that live beyond their associated film. alfred hitchcock, henceforth, made it so that women would think twice before ever stepping foot into a motel room shower -- well, alfred hitchcock and anthony perkins. the titular character in this 1960 classic, perkins is creepy to the max as the innkeeper of the last resort 'bates motel,' whose ominous neon sign attracts the sweet and genteel secretary-on-the-lam-with-$40,000-in-her-purse marion crane (janet leigh). an innocent conversation ensues: philosophy, taxidermy, institutions (you know, the usual), but it isn't before too long that the sporadic line of questioning hits a little too close to home. perkins is, theoretically, perfect for the role with his disarming good looks and friendly demeanor, ideal for luring his audience in, enlisting them to hang on his every word... but make a disparaging remark about 'mother' and you are dead meat. leigh was fantastic as marion, and received her only oscar nomination for her performance. how perkins did not, is a mystery to us all.
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