i don't find bill murray funny. i don't even find him funny in this role. that is why it should have been a prefect contender for a best actor oscar in 2004, and not, as lazy journalists put it, lost (to sean penn) because it was a comedic role. it would be like calling charlize theron "funny" in monster because she told a lot of jokes. this movie had heart, it had vulnerability, it was even a little depressing: a perfect drama. believe it or not, i haven't seen rushmore (because i hate jason schwartzman -- in fact, i find most of the coppolas to be overrated), so this is the breakthrough role for murray (for me), and it was parlayed excellently without the traditionally "funny" man relying too heavily on schtick or cheap laughs. subtle and meaningful -- absolutely nothing like groundhog day
*nominated for 2004 best actor oscar;
lost to sean penn in mystic river
greatest line: whatever he whispered in charlotte's ear
greatest moment: lip my stocking. the exchange between bob and the japanese hooker. and btw, in this scene the hooker was funny -- not murray.
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