the 2009 toronto garbage strike is officially over.
so now, all that anybody can talk about is the 2009 toronto international film festival which kicks off september 10 and lasts until the 19th.
i haven't had the opportunity to read about all of the films that are to be screened this year. the one soon-to-be cinematic masterpiece that i heard will be premiering is "jennifer's body," diablo cody's new "film" starring megan fox. yeah, megan fox.
"megan fox" and "film festival." nuff said.
anyway, with the commencement of the t.i.f.f., i realized that awards season is soon to be upon us. this, in turn, got me thinking about going to the movies. i haven't yet seen any particular performance this year that i would deem "oscar worthy." so, until then, i compiled my list of the greatest performances that never won an oscar.
when i actually sat down to make this list, it seemed juvenile and a colossal waste of time. however, it did present me with the opportunity to sit on my ass and watch a lot of old movies. this i just could not refuse.
i am going to present them in descending order, ten at a time.
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